
Ideas That Generate Results

Non-Food Items Sales Drive UK Supermarket Growth

Aug 04, 2006

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The UK food retailing market has been steadily growing between 1999 and 2004. It is predicted that though the UK supermarket is mature yet it will grow only slightly in the next few years.
The UK food retailing market has developed mostly in non-food items. This is because overall there has been increase in the non-food ranges in the larger food retailers making non-food products an important part in the food-retailing scenario.
In 2003, the UK spending on food grew by 3.1% while the grocery sales increased by 4.2%. This suggests that the non-food market grew by 9% or more during the same year.
RNCOS in its market research report, “UK Food Retailing Market Forecast (2005-2010)” estimates the supermarket sales to reach 88.5 billion GBP, which was 74% of the total market share in 2005. The overall sales for 2005 leaped by 3.5% through the major supermarkets.
RNCOS experts account non-food items sales to be the main driver in the growth of total sales in 2005, which was through supermarkets. Analyzing over the long term, UK supermarkets have almost doubled their sales of non-food items like CDs, DVDs, and clothing in the past five years. Supermarkets were also prominent for children’s clothing and with price reduction they have captured a major share.
The report answers some critical questions relating to:
- The emerging retail markets in the world.
- The past and current status of UK retail market.
- The key role of the convenience market in future retail growth.
- The future strategic situation for UK supermarkets.
- The success factors and sensitivities for the UK retail market.
- The manner in which different companies compare their position in the UK retail industry.
The report is updated on the UK retail food market and provides a detailed overview of the industry. Various sections of the society will find it useful such as business analysts, probable investors and consultants and all others who closely follow the UK supermarkets and their developments. The report will also be a good reference for those who want to acquire a working knowledge of the UK supermarkets and convenience stores.
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