
Ideas That Generate Results

Vietnam to Witness Rapid Expansion of International Cards

Feb 06, 2010

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As per a recent study "Vietnam Plastic Card Market Forecast to 2013" by RNCOS, the popularity of payment cards in Vietnam has significantly soared over the past couple of years. The cards are increasingly used in shopping malls and various on-line portals that carry luxury or world-class brands of consumer goods. The cards market is largely dominated by domestic cards and international cards have yet to take off. International cards account for even below 10% of total payment cards circulation in the country.

The report has found that the international cards market is growing at a very fast pace, recording annual growth of around 100%. Visa, Master Card, American Express, JCB and Dinner club are the key brands in the Vietnamese international credit cards market. Of these, Visa is the most popular international brand and accounts for nearly half of total international cards market. Rest of the market is shared by other international brands - Master Card, American Express, JCB and Dinner Club

"Vietnam Plastic Card Market Forecast to 2013" provides an extensive research and rational analysis along with reliable statistics of the payment card (debit as well as credit cards) market in Vietnam. The report thoroughly analyzes current market trends; new developments and competitive landscape to enable clients understand the market structure and its progress in coming years. Considering the recent developments and shift in macroeconomic factors, the report also features future outlook of the payment card industry, which will help clients in taking more rational investment decisions.

Moreover, the report has laid special emphasis on the competitive landscape of Vietnamese plastic card market. It has identified major players in each of the segments discussed in the report. In addition, the report also focuses on the technological developments in the payment cards market and answers the key questions like what is the share of cards with magnetic stripe and chip cards. This enables clients to have deeper insight into the Vietnamese payment card market and helps in exploring newer opportunities in the market.

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