
Ideas That Generate Results

US Doting on Wind Energy

Nov 30, 2006

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Christine Real de Azua, spokesperson, American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), Washington D.C., informing about the wind energy scenario said that wind energy was the 2nd largest fount of new power new generation in years to come.
Natural gas continues to be at the top of new production capacity but wind that currently contributes less than 1% of the country’s energy is thriving. In 2006 alone, the energy sector is on a way to add 3000 MW of wind power to its stock. The total wind power capacity of the country stood at just 2566 MW in 2000.
Stephen Wilson, renewable energy analyst, Xcel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, put forth his views that the rising awareness of the nation’s energy requirements is driving the interest in wind energy. With the oil prices rising day and night, Iraqi war and hiking prices of natural gas, the people are realizing their responsibility and understanding their position in energy sector.
As per the views of Research Analyst at RNCOS, who has done a thorough research on Global Wind Energy Market and compiled a report on same – “with its current levels of terrific performance, wind energy is emerging as the integrated part of the US power portfolio
The market research report on “Global Wind Energy Market (2006)” also addresses the issues and facts that are critical to your success, like
         - Factors leading to success of wind energy
         - Opportunity areas for the industry players
         - Challenges and strategies in global wind energy industry
         - Future market outlook of the global wind energy
         - Current developments in wind energy sector
         - Environmental benefits
Wind energy is one of the most efficient renewable energy technologies to meet the environmental challenges & rising global energy demand.

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