
Ideas That Generate Results

Silicon Photovoltaic Cell: New R&D Trends In Europe

May 04, 2006

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At present, Silicon dominates about 99% of the solar cell production, out of which approximately 80% correspond to chip technology, for PV terrestrial applications all over the world.
Development of medium thickness polycrystalline ribbon silicon and other similar silicon based materials is in the front line of the photovoltaic R&D. However, the efforts on thin-film silicon technology need to be concerted on the improvement of the quality of material by improving film crystalline along with thickness & growth rate.
The latest approach in the development of high-tech thin silicon for PV is to bring the two traditionally separate lines of research where one is chip-based while the other one is based on the growth of silicon onto cost-effective substrates.
As per a recent market research report named, “Year 2010: Photovoltaic Industry and European Union” published by RNCOS, “Further progress is required towards increasing production while lowering feedstock costs with emphasis on researching of new growth processes, which will result in cost-effective but acceptable quality silicon”.
As per experts, “The current development will play a significant role in the surfacing of a completely new technology with unique features, new limitations and possibilities”. As per the report, ”PV is going to become the most vital source of electricity for the European countries in the years to come”.
A comprehensive analysis of the photovoltaic industry and its overall impact on the European Union is provided in this report. Profiles of the key players in this industry plus the strategies and technologies adopted by them are discussed in detail. Besides this the report also covers a comprehensive analysis of EU in regards to the use of PV cells for power generation and makes a projection till 2010.
This report is a must read for investors and entrepreneurs, as it mentions the main countries that have development plans for PV industry and also provides a discussion on the complete market dynamics, such as technology, segmentation and so on, of the terrestrial PV sector.
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