
Ideas That Generate Results

DRM Technology - The Savior of Digital Content

Dec 05, 2007

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In today’s digital scenario, Digital Rights Management (DRM) industry is at the nascent stage but has evolved as a vital tool to safeguard the content and digital rights of the companies averting the pilfering of the digital content, boosting the network operations and providing an opportunity for protection from the increasing threats to sensitive information. Sensing the importance of the technology to the world, RNCOS, the leading name in the field of market research, has recently released its market research report "DRM Market Analysis - Future Directions" on the DRM at the global level. The research highlights the maturing market of DRM technology, and the key application areas of DRM in various industries.
The report predicts the global DRM industry to reach over US$ 1 Billion in 2007. The study also forecasts the DRM spending on the hardware and software to protect the commercial software, entertainment and related data will surpass US$ 9 Billion during the period 2008-2012.
The research highlights that with their new service implementations, like PVRs and high-definition programming, the conventional pay-TV providers are the primary source of revenue. However, the future growth of the overall market, to a great extent, is likely to be driven by new pipelines, like Internet services and mobile phone which are gaining foothold in the market. In particular, the mobile and music industry are anticipated to be the major growth drivers of the DRM technology. Mobile content and media, including gaming and music, comprise the major potential application areas critical for the future success of the DRM market.
However, the rapid growth of the DRM technology is being obstructed by the lack of consensus among the concerned parties regarding the implementation of the technology. Thus, the successful growth of the DRM will largely depend on the industries and companies and in what manner do they settle the disparity regarding the implementation.
"DRM Market Analysis - Future Directions" is a comprehensive study of the DRM industry at the global level. The report also answers key questions such as driving forces and challenges, competitive scenario and opportunities critical to the success of the worldwide DRM industry. The research evaluates the vital application areas of the DRM technology in various industries such as Software industry, Financial Services, Education, Healthcare Industry etc.
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