Turkey has emerged as one of the most popular destinations in Europe for medical tourism. The country’s medical tourism industry has unprecedentedly grown during the past few years. The Turkish medical tourism industry’s revenue is expected to increase manifold in the coming years due to the vast potential it holds, as it is both a destination as well as a source market. It is anticipated that the number of medical tourists will rise at a CAGR of around 26% during 2010-2014, on account of rising popularity of cost effective services and the government support. The government has been readily spending on the promotional activities to boost the nation’s medical tourism industry.
According to our new research report “Emerging Medical Tourism in Turkey”, the Turkish medical tourism sector is expected to record strong growth in the coming years owing to a rise in investments by the private sector. As the country boasts of one of the highest number of JCI accredited hospitals and easy travel assistance, medical tourists from all over the world have started taking interest in Turkey. With very low cost of treatments and hospitals equipped with technology similar to the international standards, the number of medical tourists will rise in the coming years. To support this evidence, we have done an extensive analysis of various segments of the Turkish medical tourism market.
The baseline for the optimistic future outlook of the report is the rising number of medical tourists from the United States. The number has substantially risen after the economic slowdown, which affected almost all sectors in the US; leaving a large section of population unemployed and uninsured. Hence, turkey came out to be a good option for such patients to get their treatment done at low cost without worrying about the quality. Medical tourists from the Middle East will also pave way for the growth of Turkish medical tourism market in the coming years.
The report incorporates an extensive research and rational analysis of the medical tourism industry in Turkey. It provides segment level analysis of the industry along with future trends that may shape up in the coming years. The research will help consultants, industry analysts, and vendors to get an in-depth knowledge of the cost advantage that this country offers. Our report also includes the recent government initiatives to promote the medical tourism industry along with the detail analysis of the key industry players.