
Ideas That Generate Results

Iran restricts Broadband Speeds to save Islamic Culture

Nov 27, 2006

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Government of Iran is limiting the download speeds of Internet to keep its younger generation away from outside influences that can undermine its Islamic culture. The service providers in the country have been instructed to restrict download speed to 128 Kbps. It will make the download of foreign music and video from Internet difficult.
Probably, upload speeds have also been restricted but the figures are not out yet. Restrictions on upload capacity will bother those groups and organizations most who want to oppose the government’s move as it will become difficult for them to put their views onto the site. Limitation on the speed of Internet is an aftermath of a clampdown on illicit satellite dishes that were used by Millions of Iranians to watch western programmes on TV. In last some months, thousands of satellite dishes have been nabbed. The experts wonder on government’s belief that it is doing right by cutting off its natives from outside world.
Recent report by RNCOS, “Middle East and Africa Broadband Sector Analysis (2007)” puts forth that in many of the Middle East and African countries, the government has imposed strict restrictions and censorship on Internet use. Countries like United Arab Emirates, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran have been observing online ban though some relaxation has been given off late. This tight ban is bound to hinder the progress of broadband market and Internet access in these areas.
The broadband market research report addresses some interesting issues like:
 - Future outlook of the Broadband market in Middle East and Africa
 - Identify market leaders and understanding competitive environment
 - Key Challenges and opportunities in broadband market
 - Future strategies of the industry
 - Insight into performance trends in market
 - Emerging technologies in the broadband industry
 - Growth sectors and factors driving change
The report provides extensive research and rational analysis of the Broadband Market in Middle East and Africa.

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