
Ideas That Generate Results

Indian Economy - Not Building the Urban Infrastructure

Mar 20, 2007

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According to the participants at the Global Urban India 2020 conference, economic liberalization does open the doors of potentialities but not empowered the Indian cities to construct infrastructure to match up this growth.
EuroIndia Centre, a non-profit organization instituted by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the former French Prime Minister Raymond Barre in 2001, organized the conference. It emphasized the need of building infrastructure in urban regions.
The conference reached the conclusion in the years to come, the role of finance, and most importantly, public policies and legislation will be extremely crucial on a city-by-city and state-by-state basis in India.
Industry personnel, technologists, politicians, academics, urban planners, and others attended the conference. The meet highlighted that urban populace forms the 30% of the total Indian population and chips in over 60% to the country’s GDP. But unfortunately, most of the Indian cities lack even the basic infrastructure.
Experts at the conference felt recent physical input and credit availability had made the urban mass housing of India better. It adverted to the necessity to suffice the ‘huge demands’ for self-sustained affordable housing in the second-largest population of the world.
Opportunities in Indian Housing Sector (2006-2007)”, a research report by RNCOS, opines that the housing demand in urban India will take over the rural demand due to low household size in urban regions. The growth of total housing industry posted during the period 2001-2005 is expected at around 5% and is estimated to rise at approx 7% during the years 2006-2010.

The market research report “Opportunities in Indian Housing Sector (2006-2007)” also discusses the overview of global and Asian housing market, position of India with respect to the Asian market, industry performance, scenario of housing finance, industry analysis, state-wise housing demand in India, statistical analysis of various other factors and so on.

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