
Ideas That Generate Results

GSM To Grow 52% in Latin America in 2006

May 24, 2006

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Makeover in the standard of living & increased spending power of people in Latin America has thrust an exceptional spurt in the overall mobile phone demand. Growth of 41%, as compared to the preceding year, was registered in the subscriber base towards the end of the first quarter of 2006. During the same period, GSM represented more than half of the mobile users in Latin American region.
The growth in the mobile market in Latin America is mainly supported by the booming financial power of its natives.
With over 145Mn users, GSM is the most popular technology in almost the entire Latin America. Brazil is ranked as number one, with a subscriber base of 93Mn users, followed by Mexico with 49.5Mn users.
As per a recent market research report named, “American Mobile Handset Market Analysis (2006-2009)” published by RNCOS, “GSM subscriber base grew up to 43% in US/Canada during 2004-05, whereas the growth was of 87.5% in Latin America during the same time period. However, there was 69% growth registered in the overall mobile market in America”.
Experts at RNCOS estimate, “The GSM mobile market in Latin America grew by 21% in 2005, however the market shall increase by 52% towards the end of the year 2006”.
The report is of paramount importance for both foreign investors as well as corporate. The highlights of the report are:
-Overview every aspect of the mobile market in America.
-Detailed discussion of the current scenario and future prospects of the industry.
-List of the profiles of thirty-one key players, including top ten handset manufacturers and top sixteen mobile phone service providers, in this sector.
-Comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and challenges in the mobile market.
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