
Ideas That Generate Results

Biometric Security towards a Secure World

Mar 22, 2006

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Security systems based on biometrics i.e., human characteristics such as faces, hand shapes and fingerprints are finally taking off although it has taken a long way to come. Given that biometrics cannot be forgotten, lost or stolen just as a password, a key or an identity card, it is believed they are quite the way to control access to computer networks, airport service areas and bank accounts.
However, biometrics is not practiced in too many areas. This is because first, users are not at ease with it. For instance a person may not prefer to have to submit his eyes for scanning in if he wants to withdraw cash from his savings. Secondly Biometric systems are rather costly compared with other security measures such as passwords and PIN (personal identification numbers). Therefore albeit biometrics may provide greater security the costs outweigh the benefits in most cases.
Biometrics can be used in two ways – identification and verification. The first one says, “Who is this person?” in which a subject’s identity is determined by comparing a measured biometric against a database of stored records. The second one says if “this is the person who he claims to be” in which the subject’s identity is determined by comparing a measured biometric with one known to come from a particular person.
In a recently published market research report by RNCOS, named “World Biometric Market Outlook (2005-2008)”, analysts predict that while the average annual growth rate of the global biometric market is more than 28%, by 2007 it is expected to reach a high of $3.5 billion. The technologies that would be included are finger scan technology by 60%, facial & iris scanning by 13%, keystroke by 0.5% and digital signature scans by 2.5%.
The market research report gives three-year revenue forecast of the worldwide Biometric market which helps to form an idea of the competitive landscape of this industry over 2008.
The “World Biometric Market Outlook (2005-2008)” report will help readers to analyze the opportunities significant to the success of the growing Biometric market globally. It also examines the key application areas of Biometrics in different industries like Banking and Financial services, Health care industry, Aviation industry, Stock Exchanges, Universities and Schools, Police Business processes, Residential locations, Government organizations and Credit Monitoring organizations.
RNCOS’ report contains profiles of top 19 players across the world including Entrust Inc., Doan Inc., International Biometric group and Cognate Systems.
The current biometric technology has certain limitations. Given that, the Big Brother’s concerns raised by some people are not really valid, at least not now. Contrarily other technologies such as Internet interception and the tracking of location of mobile phones will typically enable much more interference on privacy over the coming years.
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