Modern consumers are more powerful as they have new tools to access information and their buying behavior is changing consistently. At the same time, businesses are being bombarded by huge set of data and decision making process continues to get complex. Modern businesses are also facing new challenges in the form of generating and keeping consumer loyalty. Companies need to understand their consumers and any change in their buying pattern, in order to produce best products and services.
Consumer research is a form of applied sociology that concentrates on understanding the preferences, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers in a market based economy. Consumer research also helps to understand the effects and comparative success of marketing campaigns.
RNCOS offers an intensive programme of consumer insight, analytics and detailed consumer strategy development, to create and operationalize a consumer-led cultural transformation. Suited for businesses who want to differentiate and revolutionize their consumer strategy by putting the consumer at the center of day to day operations and making sure they know their consumers better than anyone else.
Consumer Knowledge is a consumer analysis solution for organizational transformation, where businesses can innovate and grow via a deeper understanding of their consumers and their buying behavior.
RNCOS is helping businesses stand out in an extremely competitive market, to improve shareholder value and grow consumer numbers and loyalty with a consumer-first strategic approach.
Consumer Centricity Study says that consumer-led businesses outperform their competition, with the top 25% achieving:
+3% growth in like for like sales
7% growth in market share